Editorial Team


Kristine KOSTIKYAN   Doctor in History, Professor, Leading researcher, Department of Eastern Sources and Historiography of the Institute of Oriental Studies NAS RA, research interests-Persian source studies, history of Armenia and Iran, Armenian-Iranian relations. email: kr.kostikyan@gmail.com.



Katarzyna MAKSYMIUK  Ph.D, Professor at the Siedlce University of Natural Sciences and Humanities , research interests- History of pre-Islamic Iran, email: katarzyna.maksymiuk@uph.edu.pl

Gor MARGARYAN – Ph.D, Associate Professor, Deputy Director of the Institute of Oriental Studies, National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Armenia,  research interests-History of Middle Ages, Source Study. email: gor_margaryan@live.com

Yervand MARGARYAN – Doctor in History, Professor, Leading Researcher of Department of Ancient Orient of the Institute of Oriental Studies NAS RA, research interests- Ancient History, Source Study, email: ervand.margaryan@rau.am



Robert GHAZARYAN  Ph.D,  Associate professor, Leading Researcher, Director of the Institute of Oriental Studies, National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Armenia (IOS NAS RA), research interests-Ancient History, Source Study. email: rghazaryan@orient.sci.am, phone: +374 55 97-22-77



Aleksan HAKOBYAN  Doctor in History, Head of Department of Christian Orient of IOS NAS RA, research interests-History of Middle Ages, Source Study; email: jakobialex@yahoo.com 

Mher SAHAKYAN PhD, "China-Eurasia" council for political and strategic research, research interests- Contemporary History, Political Science; email: sahakyanmher@outlook.com 

Azat BOZOYAN Doctor in History, Head of Department of Eastern Sources and Historiography of IOS NAS RA, research interests-History of Middle Ages, Source Study. email: bznazt@gmail.com

Ani SARGSYAN-  Ph.D., Research Associate,  Department of History and Culture of the Middle East, Asia and Africa Institute, University of Hamburg, Germany, research interests- Turkish (Ottoman)-Persian language contacts and knowledge mobility, Armeno-Turkish literary production and crosscultural interrelations; email: ani.sargsyan@uni-hamburg.de

Levon HovsepyanPh.D., Associate Professor, Head of Department of Turkish Studies of IOS NAS RA research interests- Contemporary History, International relations; email: levhovsa@gmail.com

Mushegh GhahriyanPh.D, researcher of the Institute of Oriental Studies of NAS RA, research interests-Contemporary History, International relations; email: mghahriyan@yahoo.com  

Arsen BOBOKHYANPh.D, Leading researcher, director of the Institute of Archaeology and Ethnography of NAS RA, research interests-Bronze and Iron Age Archaeology, Ancient History, email: arsenbobokhyan@yahoo.com

Vardan VOSKANYANPh.D, Associate professor, Head of the Department of Iranian Studies of Yerevan State University, research interests-Contemporary History, Philology; email: vardan.voskanian@ysu.am 

Hrach MARTIROSYAN Ph.D, Leiden University, research interests- Philology, Comparative indo-european linguistics; email: hrch.martirosyan@gmail.com  

Anna SIRINIANPh.D, Bologna University, research interests-History of Middle Ages, Source Study and Philology, email: anna.sirinian@unibo.it

Mariam CHKHARTISHVILI  –  Doctor of Sciences, Tbilisi State University, research interests-History of Middle Ages, Source Studies; email: mariam.chkhartishvili@tsu.ge  

Giuseppe CECERE Ph.D, Associate Professor, Bologna University, research interests- History of Middle Ages, Source Study and Philology; email: giuseppe.cecere3@unibo.it 

Isabelle AUGÉDoctor of Sciences, Professor of the University of Montpellier Paul Valery 3, research interests-History of Middle Ages, Source Study, email: isabelle.auge@univ-montp3.fr

Piotr TARACHA Doctor in History, Professor, University of Warsaw, Dean of the Faculty of Oriental Studies, research interests-Ancient History, Source Study. email: piotr.taracha@uw.edu.pl  

Iakovos AKTSOĞLUPh.D., Democritus University of Thrace, research interests-Modern History, Source Study; email: izak@cyta.gr 

Shahban KHAPIZOVPh.D, Senior researcher of The Institute of History, Archeology and Ethnography of the Daghestan Scientific Centre of Russian Academy of Sciences, email: markozul@mail.ru 

Ivan BILIARSKYDoctor of Sciences, Professor, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, research interests- History of Middle Ages, Byzantine Studies, email: ivan.biliarsky@gmail.com 

Satoru NAKAMURA –  Ph.D., Professor, Kobe University, research interests - International Politics, Middle East Politics, e-mail : satnaka@kobe-u.ac.jp 



Literary Editor 

Shushan MELIK-ADAMYAN - Senior lecturer at Russian-Armenian University, email: shushan.melik.adamyan@gmail.com 

 Editorial Assistant 

Monika MIRZOYAN - Senior Laboratory Assistant of Department of Ancient Orient of the Institute of Oriental Studies NAS RA, research interests- History of the Ancient Orient, Hittite Studies, Hittite Mythology, email: monika.mirzoyan7@gmail.com

Product Designer

Tigran APIKYAN Web designer at YSU IT Departament, email: atj2001@mail.ru